WorkTime helps your company

August 4, 2020

7 min read

Ways WorkTime helps your company

WorkTime employee monitoring software has assisted companies in identifying issues affecting productivity and saving money through a transparent and respectful monitoring approach for over 20 years. In this post, we'll show you why investing in WorkTime can help your company in several ways.

WorkTime helps to identify productivity issues

Productivity is the keystone of every successful business. Productive employees add value, so understanding how employees work is imperative to building a good business reputation. WorkTime provides insight into employees' work by identifying the following productivity issues:

1. WorkTime spots unproductive time

Unproductive time means the time spent doing activities that do not relate to work during working hours. This could include social media use, visiting non-work-related websites, regular coffee breaks, chatting with colleagues on the job, online shopping, or any activity that could distract you from your tasks and adversely affect your performance. Worktime reports show: 1. How much time employees spend working and the amount of time wasted on activities not related to work. 2. How employees are distracted from performing their work duties during working hours. 3. The exact distractions that keep employees from doing their job. 4. What applications are contributing to your company projects, and much more. These reports aid in pinpointing time-wasting activities. Here is an interesting case study: A Canadian rescue medical service company was faced with a challenge. They were suspicious that their remote employees were overcharging them. They decided to use employee monitoring software to determine how much time their remote employees actually spent working. So, they contacted WorkTime. After implementing our employee monitoring software, the company's CEO gave the following feedback: "WorkTime statistics revealed that some remote employees spent most of their working time reading the news and browsing the internet rather than doing what they were paid for. To do." We currently save approximately $7,500 per employee every year using WorkTime."

Worktime reports show how much time employees spend working and the amount of time wasted on activities not related to work.

2. WorkTime shows how the internet is used during business hours

WorkTime displays how the internet is used during business hours. Surfing the net may seem like an innocuous pastime, but it becomes a big business problem when it starts eating into paid working hours. Numerous studies have shown that employees spend an average of two to four hours a day on personal internet activities. Now, if your employees are visiting gaming websites, spending time on YouTube, socializing on Facebook or Twitter, or responding to private emails instead of working during business hours, your business may suffer. (According to statistics non-work-related Internet surfing results in a 40% loss of productivity each year for American companies). Worktime reports: 1. Show how much time employees spend browsing the internet. 2. Highlights the exact websites/URLs employees visit during working hours. 3. Helps block websites/URLs distracting employees from doing their job. A U.S. healthcare organization with more than 5000 + employees had excessive personal internet use and time management issues. Often, large companies with that number of employees face such situations, affecting their reputation, and possibly, the company can lose money. Using WorkTime reports, the healthcare organization discovered that nearly 5% of all employees spent their time on social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and Google+). In a company of that size, 5% equates to the salaries of 250 employees. The organization saved 250 salary cheques thanks to WorkTime. The company decided to show the monitoring reports to all employees once a week, which allowed employees to see and significantly improve their performance levels.

Worktime reports show how much time employees spend browsing the internet and the exact websites/URLs employees visit during working hours

3. WorkTime spots idle time

WorkTime identifies idle time. Idle time refers to time spent away from the computer when no mouse or keyboard activity is detected. When employees engage in activities such as spending time on their phones, frequent coffee breaks, chatting with employees, or any event where the computer is not in use - idle computer time grows. WorkTime reports show: 1. How much time is spent away from the computer? 2. Reports also indicate discrepancies in logins and excessive idle times while employees are logged in. Let's cite another real-life case study: This WorkTime case study shows how employees of a Dutch Business Travel Club spent their working hours unsupervised. Being a very busy person, the business owner, Jennie K., was often on the move. Some of the office staff were suspected of not being as productive as expected. Their colleagues claimed they were either idle or engaged in personal internet activities whenever the club owner was away. The business travel company owner decided to implement WorkTime Cloud, a cloud-based employee monitoring solution developed by NesterSoft Inc., to monitor her employees' productivity. WorkTime Cloud gave insights into her employee's idle time and personal Internet use (results showed that only about one-third of the staff dedicated their time to work, while the rest were "idle" during working hours). These reports were delivered to the employees, corporate policies were put in place, and since then, her employees have been able to make adjustments and maintain the work discipline.

WorkTime reports show how much time is spent away from the computer and also reveal any discrepancies in logins and excessive idle times while employees are logged in.

4. WorkTime detects false overtimes

Without a doubt, engaged and dedicated employees are at the heart of every successful business. There are instances where employees can claim to work hours that exceed designated working hours. In actuality, they spend working time slacking and eventually doing a few extra hours to make up for the time already wasted. This is false over time. Employers may be unable to determine whether an employee's overtime claim is valid or malevolent unless they monitor their working time. Ultimately, the impact of false overtime will show itself in the company's finances. WorkTime reports aid: 1. To decrease the payments associated with bogus overtime. 2. Provide comprehensive reports that show if the overtime claims of employees are justified or not. Another WorkTime case study worth mentioning: A US-based insurance company with many employees and branches across the state had too many overtime claims. The H.Q.'s financial department was determined to cut as many overtime claims as possible to save corporate finances. The management staff came up with a solution to use an automated employee monitoring scheme. Having compared the licensing conditions of employee monitoring software on the market, they decided to implement WorkTime Corporate. The reports showed that among the employees who claimed overtime: 1. 70% of computers were used for non-business purposes during paid hours (social networks and non-insurance-relevant websites). 2. 15% were Idle after logging in (possible distractions, e.g., coffee breaks and socializing with colleagues). 3. 5% claimed overtime payments for the time they did not work. 4. 10% of the overtime claims were reasonable and justified.

WorkTime reports showed the real picture of computer use during working hours, and management was able to determine whether overtime claims were valid or not.

5. WorkTime identifies poor attendance

Frequent absenteeism, reporting late to work regularly, or clocking in on behalf of other colleagues can cost the company a great deal. It creates a financial burden on the company and, it could also lead to burnout and low morale for hardworking co-workers because they may need to step in to keep the work process going. All these will only lead to one thing-a negative impact on overall productivity over time. Worktime provides insights into the following attendance metrics: 1. Employee absenteeism. 2. User login/logout times. 3. Computer/system login name. 4. Enhances or replaces the existing check-in/checkout system. Another interesting case study: The traditional slide card system was used to manage staff attendance at a medium-sized bank in Madrid, Spain. Over time, the bank soon discovered that workers were trying to cheat the system by swapping cards with each other or clocking in on behalf of other colleagues. As a result, the system was easily manipulated. The management decided to apply WorkTime employee monitoring software. At first, questions were raised about whether log-on/off monitoring (login name, computer login name, and login/out time track) could fully solve the attendance issue. The WorkTime support team explained that the Worktime attendance toolkit includes login/logout monitoring and active/idle time tracking function. With WorkTime, banking management was able to track employee attendance accurately. Zero cases of employees' attendance mischief. No more manipulation with the card system control. Employees have been maintaining punctuality, and additionally, productivity has also increased.

Worktime provides insights into employee absenteeism, enhances or replaces the existing check-in/checkout system, records user login/logout times and computer/system login names to identify poor attendance.

6. WorkTime pinpoints underperformance

All of the issues mentioned above could lead to under-performance. When an employee continues to miss work, show up late to work, waste time on unproductive activities during paid hours, their performance begins to slip, and the working process becomes disrupted. In addition to the quality of work being affected by poor employee performance, its customers can also suffer. WorkTime offers reports that help to rectify these issues. WorkTime reports: 1. Identify the top underperformers. 2. Assess the quality of work. 3. Identify the high performer and overworked employees/departments. As previously mentioned, a U.S. healthcare organization of more than 5000 + employees faced problems relating to inappropriate use of the internet and time management, which took a toll on the overall performance. WorkTime helped the healthcare organization overcome the issue of underperformance by identifying them. Reports showed that nearly 5% of the employees accessed social networks (Facebook, Twitter, and Google) regularly; this influenced their performance level.

WorkTime reports identify the top underperformers and also spot the high performers and departments that are overworked.

WorkTime saves your company money

Can WorkTime help my company to save money? The simple answer to that is yes! WorkTime is an essential asset for any company that gives priority to productivity and time management. Asides from helping streamline the workflow, organize in-house and remote staff and boost employee efficiency. WorkTime also helps save money on licensed software and future purchases. Here are a few significant instances:

1. WorkTime reduces the amount of money wasted on unproductive time

WorkTime provides an in-depth insight into the work of employees. Employers can get accurate reports of how productive/unproductive employees are on their computers and take measures to boost employee productivity in case of the latter. This, in turn, saves the company from potentially losing tons of money due to time wastage and poor productivity.

2. WorkTime assists in the cost-cutting of infrequently used licensed software

WorkTime detects licensed software that is rarely used or not in use but most likely to drain money. This helps the company cut expenses by either reducing the number of licenses in the future or canceling additional licensing agreements. Companies can also see how licensed software is being used. Another interesting case study: A local school board in the USA purchased educational software for over 2,500 computers. The software turned out to be very expensive. They decided to invest in WorkTime. During the first few days, WorkTime reports showed an educational software that was infrequently used. WorkTime helped get rid of the software, saved the school board a lot of money, and tremendously improved the educational process's quality.

WorkTime allows organizations to cut expenses and save money by auditing costly licensed software that is barely used or not even used at all.

3. WorkTime allows you to save money on future purchases

With WorkTime, your company can be one step ahead in planning future purchases. WorkTime presents you with the real situation regarding computers and software usage. It shows you whether or not there is a need to make new purchases. It also takes the load off the overloaded departments and enables you to determine whether more employees need to be hired. Another case study worth mentioning: The construction material and lime production company decided to purchase new Citrix servers to replace existing ones. However, buying new ones isn't an easy process. Financially, this is quite a responsibility, as it is a challenge. There are several factors involved that can be very costly. One Citrix server costs about $20,000 in addition to other expenses. This process could result in significant downtime for 1,200 employees if not handled properly. To not overload the new servers with unnecessary software or buy/extend unnecessary software licenses (to save on software licenses), the company decided to implement WorkTime to find out what software was rarely used or not used at all. WorkTime collected all the required information, and the company was able to make smart money decisions.

How to boost employee productivity with WorkTime

Relay workplace productivity expectations

When installing WorkTime, it is important to clarify clearly the company's productivity expectations (Try now! It's free). Also, it might be beneficial to inform employees that they are being monitored. Also, informing employees that they are being monitored could be advantageous. Many WorkTime customers (not all, depending on vision and monitoring needs) have confirmed that telling their employees about the monitoring helps improve productivity. Our experts are always ready to respond (ask now!). You can also request a free eBook and checklist to start and maintain the monitoring process.

Prize your top performers

WorkTime reports show the top performers and slackers. With this data, you can reinforce and positively engage your employees. Reward the top performers, and motivate the underperformers to sit up.


WorkTime is a great addition to your business

WorkTime is the only productivity monitoring tool that offers transparent and respectful employee productivity monitoring when it comes to employee monitoring.

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