Non-invasive screen monitoring

Safe and effective screenshot monitoring replacement

Try now 14 days free
  • In-office, hybrid, remote
  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Terminal/Citrix server
  • For 1-20,000+ computers
  • 25+ years on the market

Non-invasive employee screen analyzer

  • A non-invasive alternative to invasive screenshots
  • No content recorded
  • Employee screens are analyzed numerically
  • Top productive and unproductive screens
  • Screen usage in %
  • And more

In a non-invasive way see what's on employee screens (screenshot monitoring alternative)

In the Screen productivity report:

Average screen productivity, screen productivity per hour, top productive/unproductive screens, top productive/unproductive activities, screen usage history, and more.

Try now 14 days free

Green, non-invasive employee screen monitoring

WorkTime is Green socially responsible employee screen monitoring. It supports workplace health.

WorkTime Green employee screen monitoring is the only non-invasive screen monitoring on the market. All invasive functions are replaced by safe, non-invasive alternatives.

HIPAA compatible

GDPR compatible

GDPR compatible

How productive employee screens are?

In this example:

An average team screen for one day with an average productivity of 93%. This means that, on average, 93% of the screens were used for productive apps and websites.

WorkTime. Employee active time monitoring
WorkTime. Employee active time monitoring

What’s on the employee screen?

Screen usage history

This widget shows the history of what was on the employee's screens. Here you can see four records where the employee Toma D. used his screen for Microsoft Outlook (39% of the screen) and a shopping website (61% of the screen). Due to the unproductive website use, this employee is only 50% productive.

WorkTime. Employee active time monitoring

Try WorkTime 14 days free

WorkTime trial is all inclusive:
all features, unlimited employees.
No credit card required.



/ employee / month billed monthly



/ employee / month billed monthly



/ employee / month billed monthly

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Start employee monitoring and get a clear picture of your employees' screen productivity

Why WorkTime is the best employee screen monitoring software

1. Non-invasive and comprehensive screen reports

WorkTime offers green employee monitoring technology, which is a safe, effective, and socially responsible alternative to invasive screenshots. What are the benefits of non-invasive screen monitoring?
  • It is safe, as WorkTime screen monitoring does not invade the employee’s privacy;
  • Numerical reports take less space than traditional invasive screenshots;
  • Data is easy to analyze, as it is presented in numbers and statistics instead of images.
Use our reports to find out
  • How productive employee screens are;
  • Screen productivity per hour;
  • Top productive/unproductive employees;
  • Top productive/unproductive apps/websites;
  • What’s on the employee screen;
  • Top video-watching screens;
  • Top online meeting app screens.

2. Monitoring screen productivity in-office/remote

Track and compare the screen productivity of your in-office and remote employees. Our employee screen monitoring software enables you to monitor computer screens remotely, providing access to the same detailed reports and analytics as with in-office teams. Utilize our monitoring software to track screen activities and understand work patterns and productivity levels effectively. With real-time screen monitoring capabilities, WorkTime ensures that remote employee productivity tracking remains as detailed and efficient as monitoring in-office staff.

3. It’s green and easy to announce

How to announce employee monitoring? With non-invasive employee screen monitoring software, it is as easy as 1-2-3. It is transparent, so you can openly discuss the tracking results with your employees. What’s more, you can set goals and motivate your workers to improve their productivity. WorkTime can also be effective for self-motivation.

4. Instant productivity boost

The screen productivity monitoring software offers real-time insights into employee activities, enabling proactive management strategies. Implementing WorkTime employee screen monitoring increases performance instantly. Our clients’ cases show that it is possible to boost productivity from 40% to 95%!

5. Effective management approach

Safe and non-invasive screen productivity tracking provides insightful data without compromising employee privacy. This data empowers employers to optimize workflows, identify productivity gaps, differentiate between productive and non-productive activities, and proactively engage with their workforce. By embracing these monitoring tools responsibly, organizations strike a balance, prioritizing productivity while upholding individual privacy and mutual trust.

What are the benefits of screen productivity monitoring?

Data-driven decision-making

Tracking time spent on various platforms distinguishes productive tasks from distractions, enabling informed decisions for better workflow management. Desktop employee screen monitoring software provides a comprehensive overview of employee computer activities, ensuring compliance, security, and optimal productivity within the workplace. Implementing screen productivity monitoring yields comprehensive data crucial for understanding work patterns and resource optimization.

Effective employee screen monitoring

The time tracking software with screenshots offers a comprehensive solution for monitoring employee activities by capturing periodic screen snapshots, aiding in detailed time analysis and task management. But screen monitoring software often invades employees' privacy. WorkTime instead offers a screenshots recording alternative to guarantee employee privacy. Employing features like safe monitoring and non-invasive screen productivity tracking ensures a balanced approach, fostering efficiency without compromising personal space. Employee screen monitoring software provides valuable insights into employee workflow and task management, optimizing work efficiency within the organization.

Comprehensive insight for effective management

The software's capabilities extend beyond web tracking, encompassing webcam, microphone use, and online meeting durations. This comprehensive approach to employee screen monitoring provides a holistic view, distinguishing productive engagements from non-productive ones.

Non-invasive job search monitoring

Employee screen monitoring software offers detailed analytics, providing invaluable insights into employee screen activities for enhanced productivity assessment and management. Beyond tracking web activity, the software detects job search activities through website listings without intrusive measures. This information enables proactive engagement with employees, fostering a more engaged and satisfied workforce.

Respectful and safe screen productivity monitoring

Screen productivity tracking allows for a detailed analysis of employee activities, enabling organizations to identify patterns and enhance overall work efficiency. Non-invasive screen monitoring software is a key to good cooperation with your employees. One of the key advantages lies in safe screen productivity monitoring, where selective snapshots provide valuable insights into digital workspaces. This non-intrusive method allows for trend analysis and productivity assessments while respecting employees' privacy boundaries.


What is a screen monitoring program?

Employee screen monitoring software is used for tracking workers' performance. Employers implement screen monitoring mainly to ensure high productivity within a company, improve employees’ performance, or prevent security breaches.

Can my employer monitor my screen?

In most countries (including the US), it is legal for employers to monitor employee screen productivity for business-oriented purposes. Screen monitoring can involve screenshots and keystroke recording. But if the employer uses WorkTime, the software analyzes employee performance in numbers, without recording any content.

Can my manager see my screen?

A manager can use monitoring software to record screenshots if you use the company’s devices. So, the employer can see what apps, docs, and websites you apply during the work day.

How does screen monitoring software work?

Usually, screen monitoring software records screenshots and keystrokes. But WorkTime is an alternative to traditional monitoring tools. It does not require intrusive features. WorkTime sees screen productivity in numbers, providing analysis in percentages.

How do you know if your boss can see your screen?

In some countries, like the UK and EU, the employer should notify the employees before implementing employee screen monitoring. Still, when the app is used covertly, you can detect it through unusual network activity, pop-ups, notifications, or computer performance issues.

Can my employer see my screen through Teams?

Employers can use Microsoft Teams to monitor their employees. In this case, the employer will have access to any content you use/access via the monitored device.

How do you know if your screen is being monitored?

Using monitoring software is a common practice among employers, as they want to be confident in employees' high performance. In general, managers announce screen productivity monitoring. If it is used covertly, you may not even notice that. Or you can come across unusual computer activities that may be a sign that you are being monitored.

How can I see what my employees are doing on their computers?

Using employee screen monitoring software is the best way to stay updated on employee performance metrics. WorkTime non-invasive monitoring software can assist you in tracking and improving workers' productivity if you are searching for a safe, effective, and reliable tool.