Employee monitoring for call centers - WorkTime

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  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Terminal/Citrix server
  • From 1 to 15,000+ computers
  • 25+ years in employee monitoring
  • Office, remote, hybrid

Call centers - monitor time employee spend in online meetings

WorkTime tracks applications and websites used for online meetings

Any application or website used for online conversations will be in WorkTime reports, including employee name, app/website name, online meeting duration, and computer name (location).

WorkTime online meetings monitoring

WorkTime is non-invasive, socially responsible monitoring for call centers. It tracks call centers productivity without capturing any content (what's recorded).

WorkTime is Green monitoring software for call centers, the only non-invasive monitoring on the market.

HIPAA compatible

GDPR compatible

GDPR compatible

Ensure employees remain near their computers and stay active

WorkTime employee monitoring for call centers

WorkTime monitors call center employees' active time, tracking when they are active at their computers and when they are idle.

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Monitor computer activities of call center employees


WorkTime records what call center employees do on their computers: what apps and websites they use, when, and for how long.

Increase call center employee engagement

There are many ways to increase employee engagement in call centers using WorkTime. You can leverage WorkTime leaderboards, schedule regular reports, or grant employees access to their own performance reports.

Track attendance in call centers

With WorkTime, you can track attendance in call centers to determine whether employees are arriving late or on time, and more.
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WorkTime. Employee monitoring for business owners

Begin monitoring time of your call center now

  • Sign up

  • Run monitoring agent

  • View reports