Custom tags for apps and websites

Tag apps and websites to monitor the usage more effectively.

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  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Teminal/Citrix server
  • From 1 to 15,000+ computers
  • From 20+ years productivity monitoring experts

Custom and in-built tags for more effective monitoring

Is this expensive software really used?


School board



Money put to better use

WorkTime's customers, a U.S. school board, applies tags to monitor the use of paid educational software. In their case, the money was not used effectively at all. “To our surprise, we found out that this very expensive software is almost not being used.” Julie K., accounting manager

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Money saved

Success stories

Active time in each tag

Track the time spent in each custom tag

WorkTime offers numerous reports to monitor the time employees spend using each tag.

WorkTime custom tags per employee

Start monitoring easily

How much time employees use each tag?

With WorkTime you can monitor how much time employees spends using different tags.

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Custom tags examples

Each app and website can be tagged using numerous custom tags. Custom tags could be: Security software, Healthcare, Licensed software, Very expensive software, Customer support websites, Match software, English software.

Track unproductive employee activities

This employee has been reading news

Dimitry was engaged in an unproductive activity, reading website:

WorkTime. Employee active time monitoring

Predefined tags

What predefined tags are for?

Predefined tags are used to make your WorkTime experience better! We automatically tag apps and websites for you. For example: Internet, Online meetings, Social media, Browsers, Adobe, MSOffice, & more!

Tags to monitor employee productivity

Each app and website can be tagged as Productive or Unproductive.

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Comprehensive analysis of app/website usage with custom tags

The custom tags feature makes analysis more in-depth and effective. You can create and assign the app tag/website tag, merge tags, or remove them from the list. Apply tags to understand what websites and apps are used, and how they affect employee productivity. WorkTime is designed to be non-invasive, so you can implement monitoring and time tracking transparently. Green employee monitoring is a safe and effective alternative to invasive screenshots. We monitor website and app usage instead of breaking privacy by monitoring content.

How to use custom tags effectively?

Track employee progress with predefined tags

Use a customizable tag to set goals for active time and observe whether your employees achieve them. Tags are also useful in comprehensive reports, showing the time spent on each website or app. WorkTime reports are:
  • Non-invasive;
  • Lightweight;
  • Secure and reliable;
  • Compatible with Windows and macOS;
  • For 1–15,000 computers;
  • For Citrix/Terminal server;
  • Successfully field-tested for 20+ years.
Engage your employees with Leaderboard reports, displaying the accomplished goals for active time and productivity.

Tag time and cut expenses on unnecessary apps

Custom tags help to analyze how the programs are used. For instance, you can use customized tags to detect unnecessary expensive apps or software. Moreover, you will have a clear picture of what software or app is most effective for your business. One of our clients shared positive feedback: WorkTime saved money on software licenses. The school board created a tag “program schools” to understand which apps were used frequently and which were not. Surprisingly, WorkTime monitoring revealed that most students and staff members did not use the highest-priced software.

Tag programs to assess employee productivity

If your employees are at work and active, it does not mean that they are definitely productive. WorkTime analyzed employees’ performance based on app/website use. It monitors visited websites and estimates their productivity. Create tag for productive/unproductive apps and websites, and observe employee engagement. It’s easy to create tags, assign tags, and delete tags. Also, WorkTime provides in-built tags that are assigned automatically (e.g. online chat, social network, web browser). Evaluate the active time spent on the website and programs and see whether your employees are productive or unproductive during the work day.

Compare in-office/remote workers active time with custom tags

Use custom tags to compare in-office and remote workers' productivity across all locations. Very often, remote workers tend to spend working hours on unproductive activities. Create unique tags for your remote team to ensure you pay for their productivity. With WorkTime, you will easily prevent wasting money on unproductive employees.

Track time spent on tagged website/tagged app

WorkTime app and website tagging monitor time spent on each tag. Get numerous reports on tag total time, full log tag, tags summary, and info for every single tag. WorkTime provides statistics on each employee, so you can easily evaluate performance and get insights on improvement.


What is tag in website?

You can create tags for websites to track the time your employees use each website. WorkTime monitors visited websites and analyzes their productivity.

What is website tag’s main purpose?

The main website tags task is to help you detect productive/unproductive websites. Get a comprehensive analysis of active time based on website activity.

What are website tags benefits?

Create tags and assign them to employees to assess their productivity. Apply tags in website activity reports to detect unproductive workers. WorkTime helps ensure that you pay money for productivity.

Can I remove tags?

Yes, you can easily create tags, delete tags, and edit tags. Assign custom tags or use in-built WorkTime tags.

How can I monitor productivity with custom tags?

Apply tags to get a detailed analysis of employee productivity based on their app/website use. Tag app or website and view numerous reports showing the active time spent on each tag. You can also set productivity/active time goals for your team and observe their progress.