Track & reduce workplace distractions

Don't let distractions in the workplace decrease your employee productivity!

Try now 14 days free
  • In-office, hybrid, remote
  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Terminal/Citrix server
  • For 1-20,000+ computers
  • 25+ years on the market

Monitor employee distraction score

  • Unproductive screen time
  • App/website usage sessions
  • Too many tabs in browsers
  • Too many apps on the screen
  • Short breaks/idle time
  • Distraction score progress

Example: too many apps on the screen

Having too many apps on the screen is a significant time-waster and can speak volumes about employee working habits and workload.

Psychologists highlight that a cluttered computer desktop causes delays in work progress (it increases time spent attempting to find a necessary app) and leads to increased anxiety and frustration, ultimately impacting employee mood and efficiency.

WorkTime. Employee active time monitoring

To calculate employee distraction score, WorkTime uses those metrics:

Success story





Employee distraction score was too high & this helped!

One of the remote software developers started missing project deadlines, leading the manager to believe that the employee had lost interest in the job due to being distracted by irrelevant activities. However, after implementing WorkTime, it was discovered that this employee was actually working overtime and was overwhelmed with too many diverse tasks. Additionally, online meetings were taking up too much time regularly. After optimizing the work process, the employee returned to normal and is now meeting deadlines on time.



Success stories

Help your employees regain focus

Over 50% of digital distractions in modern workplaces are related to internet browsing, and 39% are related to social media use. What's worse, employees who are distracted can take up to 25 minutes to regain focus!

Track employee distraction score progress

See how your team's distraction scores change over weeks or months. Determine what needs to be improved or decreased to maximize efficiency.

Non-invasive monitoring

WorkTime is Green socially responsible employee monitoring. It supports workplace health.

WorkTime Green employee monitoring is the only non-invasive monitoring on the market. All invasive functions are replaced by safe, non-invasive alternatives.

HIPAA compatible

GDPR compatible

GDPR compatible

Reduce workplace distractions with non-invasive WorkTime monitoring!

More tracking features to reduce workplace distraction

Impact of workplace distractions on productivity

How do distractions affect productivity? Research shows that over 50% of digital workplace distractions in modern workplaces stem from internet browsing, while 39% are attributed to social media use and media distraction. Technology distraction in the workplace (such as smartphone notifications or internet browsing) can detract from focus and hinder productivity. Moreover, the detrimental effects of distraction extend beyond mere time lost; employees may require up to 25 minutes to fully regain focus after being distracted at work. These workplace distractions statistics underscore the importance of employee distraction monitoring. With WorkTime's monitoring capabilities, you can pinpoint exactly what stands in the way of your team's productivity and implement targeted solutions to improve their workflow and efficiency. Unlock the potential of your team with the WorkTime distraction score feature. By providing data on the employee focus and distraction level, you can take proactive measures to reduce workplace distractions and boost productivity. Elevate your team's efficiency and achieve your goals with a WorkTime data-driven approach to managing in-office and remote work distractions.

Effortlessly detect factors contributing to employee distraction

Our algorithm evaluates distraction scores based on various factors. It helps identify the most common distractions in the workplace and implement targeted improvements.
  • Unorganized desktops

  • A cluttered desktop reduces focus and wastes time as employees struggle to locate necessary files and documents. WorkTime provides insights into desktop organization habits, allowing you to identify individuals who may benefit from organization tools or training. An organized computer setup helps avoid distractions at work and decreases the overall distraction score.
  • Too many browser tabs

  • The more tabs on the screen, the more time an employee spends searching for the necessary one. Too many tabs in browsers are common distractions and time-wasters. That’s why WorkTime considers this factor when calculating employee distraction scores. Monitor employee distraction score to help your employees detect and avoid distractions at work.
  • Unproductive activities

  • Using apps unrelated to work tasks can derail productivity and waste valuable time, creating workplace distractions. WorkTime computer usage monitoring categorizes apps either as productive/unproductive. Employees lose their focus when they use unproductive apps. Thus, our software increases employee distraction scores for every 10 minutes of unproductive time. Analyze WorkTime reports and reduce workplace distractions effectively.
  • Internet browsing

  • Web browsing can lead to time wasted on non-work-related activities. It definitely reduces overall productivity, resulting in excessive distraction scores. WorkTime internet usage tracking assists in identifying distracted workers based on their unproductive website usage. Valuable findings from our reports will be useful in finding ways to avoid distractions at work.
  • Short breaks

  • Short breaks could be a sign of poor focus caused by workplace distractions. WorkTime’s active/idle time monitoring detects and analyzes this factor. Excessive computer idle time indicates that the employee is not working at this moment. Hence, WorkTime increases employee distraction scores for every 30 minutes of idle time.
  • Frequent switches between productive/unproductive activities

  • If the sessions are too short (less than 1 minute), it can be a sign that an employee cannot focus well on work tasks. Thus, frequent productive/unproductive activity switches are related to office distractions. WorkTime increases the distraction score for this behavior.
  • Unproductive online meetings

  • Online meetings can be time-consuming, especially when they have no clear purpose because of poor management. WorkTime comprehensive reports analyze how online meetings affect employee productivity. One of our clients successfully boosted productivity and active time thanks to WorkTime. The reports showed that low productivity was a result of never-ending meetings. WorkTime findings helped reorganize the approach to meetings and reduce workplace distractions.

How to prevent distractions at work with WorkTime?

How to avoid distractions? WorkTime comprehensive reports provide numerous insights, helping to reduce workplace distractions and manage the team effectively. Here is a short list of main steps that can be applied for managing distractions in the workplace.
  1. Detect the signs that something went wrong with comprehensive reports on time. Catch the early signs of distractions at work and investigate other metrics to see the bigger picture.
  2. Use real-time dashboards to see a summary of the most critical employee performance metrics. This will help managers address the issue and offer the best strategies to avoid distractions at work.
  3. Track the burnout score and check overtime monitoring reports. The employees may be distracted at work because they are overloaded with tasks.
  4. Identify and manage workplace distractions effectively. WorkTime reports provide valuable insights necessary to manage the workload within a team or department.
  5. Investigate whether there are any workplace distractions, decreasing the level of productivity and motivation. Make sure employees are focused during the workday with active/idle time monitoring.
  6. Analyze productivity comprehensively. The high distraction of attention score can indicate employees' productivity decline. Look through our software usage and Internet use monitoring reports to ensure your workers stay productive during the day.
  7. What if the employee is easily distracted at work because he/she is not interested in this position anymore? Catch the signs an employee is about to quit with our job search tracking feature.
  8. You can benefit from using WorkTime from different perspectives. Once we helped an IT company retain a valuable employee. Our client caught the warning signs the employee was going to leave the company. Thanks to WorkTime reports, managers reacted on time and found a solution that satisfied both sides.
  9. Discuss monitoring results with an employee and eliminate distractions at work. Set a goal and track employee distraction score progress with WorkTime.
  10. Motivate your employees to achieve distraction score goals. WorkTime offers employee leaderboards to recognize your workers' efforts and successes.

Take advantage of WorkTime work distractions tracking

Elevate your team's productivity

Our software offers a range of features designed to streamline processes, from time tracking and task management to performance analysis. After identifying distractions in the workplace, bottlenecks, and automating repetitive tasks, you can allocate resources more effectively and ensure smoother operations. Reduce workplace distractions and boost team productivity significantly with WorkTime, driving your business toward greater success! This employee distraction tool empowers you to identify and mitigate potential distractions in the workplace that hinder performance. WorkTime real-time data and insights help find ways to enhance employee focus and productivity. Whether it's optimizing task allocation or refining work processes, the work distractions score serves as a guiding metric. Watch as your team's efficiency improves, achieving higher output and reaching goals faster. Transform your workplace with a WorkTime distraction score tracking and unlock a new level of employee productivity. Try WorkTime free for 14 days to start improving your efficiency right now!

Detect remote work distractions

Use WorkTime monitoring solutions to gain information about remote employees' productivity levels and manage distractions. WorkTime provides employers with the tools to support remote workers in managing remote distractions effectively, fostering a more productive and focused work environment.

Achieve significant cost savings

Reduce workplace distractions and achieve significant cost savings with WorkTime intelligent solutions. Our platform allows you to optimize resource allocation and identify areas of unnecessary expenditure. By analyzing employee productivity and uncovering operational inefficiencies, you can make informed decisions to reduce money wasted on unproductive hours. Take control of your financial success with WorkTime's cost-saving capabilities and experience a more resource-efficient future.

Promote an ethical and non-invasive monitoring approach

Promote ethical and socially responsible distraction monitoring with a WorkTime non-invasive approach. Our software respects employee privacy while providing valuable insights to enhance productivity and minimize distractions in the workplace. WorkTime empowers organizations to maintain a respectful work environment by focusing on transparent and business-oriented monitoring. You can identify distractions, offer targeted support to avoid distractions at work, and foster a culture of responsibility without compromising personal data. Uphold ethical standards while improving productivity with a WorkTime solution prioritizing performance and individual well-being. Embrace a balanced approach to distraction management and elevate your workplace dynamics.

Stay updated with real-time notifications

Experience effortless productivity enhancement with WorkTime's fully automated distraction monitoring. Our software tracks and analyzes work patterns, allowing you to identify common distractions at work and streamline focus. Moreover, real-time insights and customized alerts are useful to proactively address issues and optimize productivity without manual intervention. WorkTime automation ensures accurate data collection while saving valuable time and resources. Elevate your team's performance with a seamless and efficient employee distraction monitoring solution that adapts to your needs.


What are examples of work distractions?

There are different types of distractions at work depending on the distracting factor. Among the most common distractions are the following: social media notifications, web browsing, noise, time-consuming meetings, multitasking, overwhelming workloads, and frequent breaks. Detect the productivity issues with WorkTime and manage distractions on time.

What is the biggest distraction in the workplace?

Frequent breaks, social media distraction in the workplace, instant messaging, and unproductive meetings are among the most common distractions at work that decline employee focus, engagement, and productivity. That’s why monitoring and effective management are required to detect and reduce workplace distractions.

How do you limit distractions when you're working?

How to avoid distractions? Managing interpersonal and work-related distractions is an important step to a productive environment. Also, minimizing distractions, organizing your time, setting clear boundaries, and scheduling email checks are effective ways to decrease the negative impact of workplace distractions on productivity. Try implementing WorkTime for self-management and effective organization of your day.

How do you manage distractions in the workplace?

Manage distractions effectively with WorkTime non-invasive employee monitoring. Our numerous tracking features help detect and reduce workplace distractions. Besides, get valuable insight on critical performance metrics that affect team productivity. Request a personalized demo right now to learn more about how you can benefit from WorkTime.

How do you deal with a distracting employee?

There are several strategies to deal with distracting employees. First, it is important to find out the core reasons for low focus. It can be interpersonal or work-related distractions. Encouraging open communication is a good way to find solutions to reduce workplace distractions. WorkTime green monitoring technology maintains transparency and loyalty, making it possible to discuss tracking results openly.

How do you limit distractions when you're working?

How not to get distracted at work? Everything depends on the type of distractions at work. In any way, workplace & time organization and self-management are necessary for minimizing distractions. Also, tracking your productivity, engagement, active time, and distraction score will help analyze your working habits, detect distracting factors, and avoid distractions at work. WorkTime will assist perfectly in reaching these goals.

How do you minimize distractions?

Minimizing distractions is crucial for enhancing focus and productivity. Managing digital distractions, organizing schedules, creating a productive work environment, and limiting multitasking help to avoid distractions at work. Implementing a tracking system like WorkTime will automate distraction management and enhance performance within a team.

Why should you minimize distractions?

Common workplace distractions reduce productivity, decrease the quality of work, disrupt schedules, and harm effective teamwork. All these result in lost revenue and increased operational costs. Hence, managing distractions in the workplace is a key factor in maintaining a productive environment required for your business growth. Try WorkTime monitoring free for 14 days and reduce workplace distractions effortlessly.

Why do I get distracted so easily while working?

WorkTime monitoring proves that unproductive online meetings, unorganized desktops, frequent switches between productive/unproductive activities, internet browsing, and frequent breaks are among the main distracting factors. Identify and manage workplace distractions effortlessly with WorkTime monitoring tools.