Employee overtime monitoring software

Automatically monitor employee overtime and detect overtime fraud. Don’t overpay!

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  • In-office, hybrid, remote
  • For Windows, macOS
  • Cloud, on-premise
  • For Terminal/Citrix server
  • For 1-20,000+ computers
  • 25+ years on the market

Manage overtime with WorkTime

Identifying overtime is easy with our employee monitoring solution. With workTime you can access comprehensive reports that include:
  • Login/logout times
  • Active/idle time
  • Overtime compared to expected work hours
  • Work on holidays and weekends
  • Detailed productivity analysis
  • Hours worked before and after the standard work hours

Overtime monitoring for your remote employees

Seamless remote monitoring

Keep a watch on your remote employees' work. Our software provides you with all features for monitoring your employees regardless of location.

Project-based hourly rates

Use WorkTime for employees working with hourly rate payments. Accurately calculate payments and keep finances in check with monitoring data.e

Improve workload with overtime monitoring

Compare employee overtime claims with monitoring data and make data-driven decisions!

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The challenge of overtime fraud

Employee overtime fraud robs you of money, effort, and time, all while you're left unaware of the damage.

Advantages of WorkTime overtime monitoring for business

Make time tracking more efficient

WorkTime. Overtime false overtime monitoring
With our reports be sure employees putting in the right amount of work.

Monitor working time

Assess regular workday commitment

Track holiday work logging

Evaluate productivity levels

Try now 14 days free

Special features for effective overtime monitoring

Success story


Rescue medical services



Medical service saves $7,500 per employee annually!

Canadian Rescue Medical Service saved big with WorkTime. By using monitoring software company identified remote worker overcharges, optimized productivity, and achieved significant cost savings.

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per employee saved

WorkTime. Secure monitoring software for healthcare companies

Save time and money with WorkTime

Stop overpaying for false overtime and boost overtime productivity instantly

More about WorkTime overtime monitoring

1. Overtime work can be managed in a way that benefits both workers and businesses. It allows the company to adequately meet high demands for goods and services and cover ground in cases where there are unexpected absences or attrition, while also providing employees with a larger paycheck. However, without proper management, it can result in huge expenses for businesses. Aside from the cost of overtime, research has shown that working long shifts can cause fatigue, decreased productivity, and other health issues . Fortunately, there are measures that can be taken to ensure that working time is effectively managed. 2. How to avoid overtime: A practical solution is to assess the necessity of each meeting and invite only those required to attend. Prepare a detailed plan in advance, start on time, and finish on time. Also, if employees are away from their computers for too long, employee monitoring software will flag this time as idle, even if it is spent on meetings. If meetings are held online, WorkTime employee monitoring software includes a feature that tracks how much time is spent in online meetings. Overtime monitoring is a needed solution. 3. If you manage a business, your staff may be required to work overtime at some point. If properly managed and with productivity in mind, this could be a win-win situation. As an employer, you may encounter situations where certain team members need to step in for absent colleagues or when there is an upsurge in demand for your services. Overtime management can be easier if you can access all the monitoring data. 4. Workload balancing overtime tracking software can help you effectively balance the workload. It can help in the decision-making process by determining whether more planning, employees, or computers are needed to improve the process. 5. Work processes automation Your payroll system can be integrated with these systems to eliminate the uncertainty of whether an employee's extra hours have been entered into the system. For example, when active/idle time is recorded, or any changes are made, this will reflect in your payroll system. 6. Seamless data collection overtime management solutions reduce data collection discrepancies. For example, if someone works 2 hours out of an 8-hour workday and then decides to work longer hours to make up for the remaining hours after work, all of these hours and the activities performed during these hours will be recorded. Overtime tracker can help you to avoid such situations. 7. Human error reduction. Because these solutions work automatically, there is less need for manual data entry. Instead of calculating data on paper or in spreadsheets, these solutions automate tasks more susceptible to human error. 8. HR analytics improvement. Data-driven decision-making can be supported with the help of monitoring reports. This is a great way to help HR get rid of the time-consuming process of manually comparing reports from various systems. Rather than relying on guesswork, HR can analyze real-time reports of computer activity, active time, idle time, overtime work hours, and so on. 9. Without proper solutions in place to justify these claims, employers end up overcompensating for undeserved hours and retaining the under-performers rather than replacing them, incurring unnecessary costs. With WorkTime you can save money on false overtime. WorkTime accurately and efficiently records your employees' work hours/activities. Real-time reports allow you to see how your employees' working hours are actually spent and determine whether overtime claims are false or justified. 10. Keep track of overtime hours. Tracking overtime hours is crucial in any organization to ensure employees are compensated fairly for their extra effort. Employing an overtime tracking software can be an efficient way to monitor these extra working hours. Remember, inaccurately recording these overtime hours can lead to timesheet fraud claims. Managing overtime properly ensures that all recorded hours are legitimate. Overtime monitoring is an easy way to be sure any overtime claims is legitimate. 11. Optimize overtime accounting. To ensure accuracy in overtime work accounting, invest in an advanced overtime tracking system. Gone are the days of manual logging: modern tools can reduce false overtime claims and streamline the process. Incorporate an overtime tracking spreadsheet into your system for easier analysis and reporting of overtime hours. 12. Monitoring false overtime. Overtime fraud can result in unnecessary expenses for businesses. Regularly monitoring through overtime tracking software can prevent these erroneous claims. Fraud detection plays a significant role here, identifying patterns that might indicate false overtime. Using an overtime tracking spreadsheet, discrepancies become easier to spot, reducing chances of unauthorized overtime work. Hours of overtime can be detected with easy automated software. 13. Improve overtime productivity. It's not just about tracking overtime hours but ensuring that the extra time spent translates to productivity. Managing overtime effectively requires a holistic approach. By monitoring overtime work and using fraud detection methods, one can weed out false overtime claims and ensure that genuine overtime hours are productive and beneficial to the organization. 14. Avoid overtime fraud. Fraud detection is pivotal in identifying false overtime claims. While tracking overtime hours is a starting point, deploying advanced fraud detection systems will mitigate the risks associated with overtime fraud. Ensure that your overtime tracking processes are robust and that you are vigilant about any discrepancies. 15. Optimize overtime payments. Overtime work deserves proper compensation. However, to ensure that overtime payments are accurate, robust overtime tracking software is a must. Integrating an overtime tracking spreadsheet can simplify the payment process and reduce chances of overpayment due to false overtime claims. Remember, fraud detection tools are your allies in maintaining the integrity of overtime payments. 16. Reducing costs when overtime is abused. Overtime abuse, especially false overtime, can significantly inflate operational costs. Emphasizing on overtime tracking software and regularly updating the overtime tracking spreadsheet can keep these expenses in check. Fraud detection, coupled with managing overtime properly, is essential in identifying and curbing overtime abuse, ensuring that only genuine overtime work is recognized and compensated. “According to the LA Times, the CHP company suffered losses of $226,556. Nearly fifty employees engaged in CHP overtime fraud over many years.”