Free checklist - WorkTime

June 18, 2020

7 min read

FREE checklist to starting and maintaining employee monitoring

Whether the plan is to start or maintain the employee monitoring process, this checklist will steer you in the right direction by exploring every business question you need to answer to find the right monitoring tool for your business.

Starting the monitoring process

1. My business goals are...

Recommendation: Clarifying what your business needs/goals are will help you to understand what you want to achieve through the monitoring. E.g., I need to keep my working-from-home employees productive or, my CEO has asked employees to build their discipline in certain work areas. I need to improve these areas in my business/department: 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________

2. My monitoring goals are...

Recommendation: Once you have identified areas for improvement in your business, you will be clear about your monitoring goals and needs. E.g., The goal is to monitor remote employees' productivity, monitor employees' attendance and idle times, etc. My monitoring goals are: 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________

3. Monitoring software requirements and features

Recommendation: Do not be distracted by the array of monitoring software features on the market. The main idea is to choose the monitoring features that are necessary to achieve your business objectives. This approach helps save time and money. An ideal monitoring software, for example, should record user logins and logouts, idle and active times, productive and unproductive times. Etc. I need the following monitoring features: 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ Recommendation: We recommend that you avoid deploying monitoring functions that can slow down your computers, consume a lot of resources, disrupt the working environment, or even cause legal problems for your company. I DON’T need the following monitoring features: 1. ___________________________________ 2. ___________________________________ 3. ___________________________________ For example, check this link to see how different monitoring software uses system resources: WorkTime vs competitors. Recommendation: We recommend that you get monitoring software that meets your data security and privacy requirements. For-sure-must-have features include data encryption, password protection, secure connection, multi-level data access, and automatic database archiving. The features that ensure data protection are: To continue reading, please request the check-list: Request Request feature

4. Choosing software vendors

Recommendation: Now that you know what monitoring and data security feature you need, it shouldn’t be a hassle to select an appropriate monitoring software vendor. Now that you know your needs, you can easily google specific search words.

5. Trying monitoring software

Recommendation: Trying out the monitoring software is a critical component in the decision-making process. If you cannot find answers to the above questions, ask the software producer's support team. It is important to extensively test the software during the trial period before you commit. Try WorkTime for 14 days FREE! What to pay attention to when trying the software: 1. How often are software updates made? Frequent software updates are indicators for a well-functioning business. To continue reading, please request the check-list:

6. Creating monitoring policies

Recommendation: Not every business implements monitoring policies for their employees. However, it is important to create monitoring policies to ensure that specific monitoring requirements are met if you decide to do so. Your employees need to be on the same page as well. If you need assistance in creating these documents request a WorkTime monitoring eBook where you can find ready-to-use monitoring policies, a handbook, and consent form samples.

7. Introducing your employees to the monitoring

Note: Not every business announces monitoring to its employees. But if you decide to do so, you're going to need a few documents. To introduce the monitoring process, I need the following: 1. Policy 2. Handbooks 3. Consent form 4. Request samples

8. Commitments, payments and subscriptions

Recommendations: When you are ready to commit, make payments and subscribe, please pay attention to the licensing terms and conditions (cancellation policies, fees, hidden fees etc.). If you have any concerns, please ask the software providers. What to pay attention to: To continue reading, please request the check-list:

Maintaining the monitoring process

What to pay attention to: 1. Is there an automatic notification when a new update is available? 2. Is the database being backed up, archived, and adequately maintained? 3. Are my employees aligned with the process? 4. Do I need to offer any training sessions?

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