WorkTime - Functional device borrowing policy samples to ease your work

January 15, 2024

10 min read

Functional device borrowing policy samples to ease your work

Clear policies ensure not just security but also define responsible usage, minimize risks, and foster a trustworthy work environment.

General company device borrowing policy: create a sturdy framework

1. Objective

This policy outlines guidelines and procedures for employees requiring the temporary use of company-owned devices for official business purposes.

2. Scope

This policy applies to all employees seeking temporary access to company devices.

Establish your policies with a foundation in equipment management, emphasizing the proper administration, monitoring, and maintenance of devices. At WorkTime, we have helped companies track and monitor device usage and employee 20 years efficiency, and we are prepared to offer you professional advice.

3. Device categories

Eligible devices for borrowing encompass laptops tablets, smartphones, and other designated electronic equipment owned by the company. Advice: In this section, you better provide detailed specifications regarding the devices covered by this policy. Don't forget to point out all the equipment you may borrow to the employees.

4. Approval process

To borrow a device, employees must formally request permission from their supervisor, justifying the request. Supervisors will evaluate the request, considering factors such as the nature of the work, duration, and device availability. Approved requests will be forwarded to the IT department for device provisioning.

Monitoring borrowed devices is important not just for safeguarding your equipment and data, but also for fostering self-discipline in the workplace. WorkTime can prove it!

5. Use of equipment

Employees must use company equipment only for business purposes, refraining from personal use during working hours. Unauthorized copying or use of software is prohibited. Approval from the designated representative is required for any software installation. Unauthorized activities, including file manipulation or improper use of information, are strictly forbidden. Messages via voice mail or email must avoid offensive content. To minimize the risk of computer viruses spreading through the system, employees are prohibited from downloading any software onto their computer or any drive within it. Those wishing to acquire software from the Internet should reach out to the IT department for assistance. Advice: WorkTime can help you ensure the safe use of equipment by your employees through device monitoring. Check out our offerings such as computer monitoring software and software-use-monitoring.

5.1. Use of the Internet

Software monitoring and internet usage monitoring can be crucial for cybersecurity.

Employees must not engage in activities that compromise the integrity of the Company network or other users' networks, and they must avoid disrupting fellow employees' productivity. Transmitting copyrighted materials from entities other than the Company on the Internet is strictly prohibited, except for one pre-approved copy for personal research purposes. Advice: Monitor employees' usage of the internet while they use your company's equipment to make sure, this point is under control.

6. Responsibilities


  • Handle borrowed devices with care.
  • Utilize the device exclusively for work-related tasks.
  • Promptly report any loss, damage, or malfunction to the IT department.


  • Assess the necessity and appropriateness of device borrowing requests.
  • Ensure employees adhere to the guidelines outlined in this policy.

The demand for employee monitoring software witnessed a significant surge of 58% since the onset of the pandemic, as revealed by the Top10VPN survey. Gitnux research indicated that employees exhibited a 7% increase in effectiveness when they were conscious of being monitored.

IT Department:

  • Provide necessary technical support and configure borrowed devices.
  • Conduct regular checks to ensure devices remain in optimal working condition.

WorkTime: employee monitoring makes your borrowing equipment experience better

7. Borrowing equipment for employees working remotely

This section pertains to the procedure of furnishing employees with equipment essential for remote work, encompassing laptops, monitors, keyboards, mice, and other peripherals crucial for ensuring an efficient remote work environment.

According to Forbes in 2023-24, remote work became increasingly prevalent, with 12.7% of full-time employees opting for a work-from-home arrangement, and an additional 28.2% adopting a hybrid model. This highlights the swift integration of remote work environments into the professional landscape.

7.1. Employees in need of remote equipment must formally request it from the IT department or the relevant authority, delineating the reasons for the request and the intended rental duration. Approval is granted following the established process, considering the necessity and duration of equipment use. 7.2. Remote employees borrowing company equipment are obligated to:
  • Implement security measures for the protection of corporate data.
  • Ensure the utilization of safeguards, such as virtual private networks (VPNs), to uphold the confidentiality of information.
  • Inform the company of the list of IP addresses from which remote work will be conducted.
Advice: Establish a robust system for monitoring remote employees, enhancing oversight of equipment borrowing, and ensuring its secure utilization. Explore compelling solutions for remote employee monitoring with WorkTime. Discover more details here. Highly recommend exploring our in-depth article that dives into the capabilities and ethical considerations associated with monitoring employees who work remotely.

8. Duration

Equipment borrowing is meant for short-term and specific business needs. If you find yourself requiring extended usage beyond the initial period, we encourage you to reassess and submit a new request. Provide detailed information about the extended need and the anticipated duration. This ensures that device allocation aligns smoothly with the evolving demands of our business, contributing to enhanced operational efficiency.

No worries about employee monitoring with the non-intrusive features of WorkTime.

9. Device returns

Devices must be returned promptly by the specified return date or upon completion of the approved assignment. In the event of a need for an extension of the usage period, the employee should submit a new request for an extension of the rental period. The return of the device is mandatory even if the assignment concludes before the pre-defined return date. After the device is returned, a check of its condition and proper functioning must be conducted. Any malfunctions or damages identified during the check should be immediately reported to technical support for further resolution.

10. Consequences of violation

Breaching this policy, including unauthorized device use or damage, may result in disciplinary action. Consequences may include written warnings, suspension of borrowing privileges, or financial responsibility for repair or replacement.

11. Review and update

This policy will undergo periodic reviews and updates as needed. Employees will be informed of any changes.

Statista says that the adoption of laptops in the United Kingdom has seen a noticeable growth, rising from 47 percent in 2009 to 76 percent in 2021. including for work purposes.

Specific and effective: laptop borrowing policy

Let’s get more specific: a concise and effective policy for laptop borrowing You can use a single policy concerning all the types of devices or you can have one specific policy for each type of equipment your employees borrow from you. WorkTime gives you a short laptop borrowing policy below.

1. Overview

This policy outlines the guidelines for borrowing company laptops by employees.

2. Procedure

2.1. Request submission

  • Employees must formally request a laptop from the IT department.
  • Specify the reason for borrowing and the intended duration of the request.

2.2. Approval process

Approval is granted following the established process, considering the necessity and duration of laptop use.

2.3. Usage limitations

Laptops are designated for work-related tasks exclusively; personal use is strictly prohibited. In individual cases, the use for non-work matters can be stipulated and regulated.

Use WorkTime to easily identify and minimize non-work-related laptop usage, ensuring your company's resources are dedicated to essential business tasks.

Advice: Put monitoring software on laptops before lending them to employees to protect the equipment and your company data. Make sure to inform employees about the monitoring. At WorkTime, we are serious about respecting personal information and ethical monitoring. We have useful tips on how to let employees know about monitoring in a straightforward and non-intrusive way. Explore our latest updates for enhanced monitoring capabilities now.

3. Responsibility

Borrowers are accountable for the safekeeping and appropriate use of the laptop during the borrowing period.

4. Return policy

Laptops must be returned promptly by the specified return date or upon the completion of the assigned task.

Monitor software, web usage, and documents that employees download on laptops to secure equipment and data.

5. Reporting damages

Any damages or malfunctions must be reported immediately to the IT department.

6. Acknowledgment

By borrowing a laptop, employees acknowledge their understanding and agreement with the terms outlined in this policy.

7. Review

This policy will be periodically reviewed and updated as necessary. Employees will be notified of any changes.

Legal considerations for policy implementation

Before having employees sign policies, consulting a lawyer is essential. It ensures that all legal aspects are addressed, protecting both employer and employee rights.

We suggest using the policy examples provided in this article as a starting point, a framework, always considering the nuances of your work processes. It's crucial to consult with your company's legal team before finalizing the policy as it is a legally binding document. We trust that we've lightened your workload. Stay tuned for additional valuable tips for your business. And feel free to contact us for more information about employee monitoring.

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