WorkTime - The ultimate guide to borrowing company devices

January 12, 2024

10 min read

The ultimate guide to borrowing company devices: what you need to know

In a recent study by Microsoft, they found that 67% of employees are bringing their devices to the workplace. Still, only 53% of respondents reported having a clear policy in place that explicitly allows such activity. However, most large companies still opt to utilize company-owned devices. The main excuse? Cybersecurity - keeping the corporate network and data safe from any sneak attacks. At WorkTime, we've got tons of know-how in providing top-notch work monitoring and securing software for all sorts of devices—both personal and company equipment. Anyway, in the following article, we'll delve into the second option.

Borrow company’s device policy intro

Let's take a closer look at the borrow company’s device policy. This list of rules sets out guidelines established by a company for the temporary use or borrowing of its devices by employees. It outlines the terms and conditions for employees to utilize company-owned devices. Setting guidelines for temporary device use, the company's policy on borrowing devices covers the terms for using laptops, smartphones, tablets, and more.

Having a clear borrowing company’s device policy is crucial.

Key points in a borrow company’s device policy include eligibility, approval, duration, responsibilities, device usage agreement, return process, security measures, policy compliance, and consequences for violations.

Company equipment: borrowing and returns protocol

Borrowing and returning company equipment follows a structured approach for efficient resource use and accountability. Employees request company equipment formally, specifying type, duration, and purpose. After approval aligning with policies, the relevant department fulfills the request. During the borrowing, employees adhere to guidelines, ensuring security. Issues or extensions are promptly communicated to the contact person or IT support. Upon conclusion, employees initiate the return process, involving inspection for future use. Clear communication and policy adherence contribute to a smooth process, supporting productivity and asset management. Using software like the ones that afford WorkTime makes it much easier to monitor employees' proper use of company devices. For example, with features like software monitoring. Which helps track in real-time the software and its usage on the company's equipment by employees. Especially when dealing with working from home. Keeping an eye on how employees appropriately use company devices becomes particularly crucial in the context of remote access.

Software monitoring tool from WorkTime fits any workplace setting. Useful for any office reliant on computers and perfect for remote employee monitoring.

Only authorized personnel can borrow company equipment, based on job roles and project needs. Approval from the department or supervisor is required, to ensure alignment with company policies and maintaining responsible use. Still, the company maintains access control under equipment. Eventually, guidelines for borrowing equipment cover:
  • Loan duration with end-user agreement
  • Conditions for use
  • Approval process
  • Password policy
  • Eligibility criteria
  • Borrower responsibilities
  • Internet usage policy
  • Return Process
  • Security measures
  • Consequences of violation
  • Documentation
  • Communication channels

How is the significant difference between borrowing equipment for remote and office work

In September 2023, 28% of workdays were worked remotely, a significant increase from 7% in 2019 (WFH Research, 2023). In 2023, nearly a third of respondents desired 5 days of work from home per week (30%) (WFH Research, 2023). Applying the policy to remote employees also has a clear protocol. It describes the behavior, responsibilities, and safety measures expected of remote workers, ensuring a consistent and safe approach to work, regardless of their physical location. This promotes clarity and a unified approach to work standards, both remotely and in the office. Surely, with some differences.

Most big companies, such as Microsoft or Google provide everything a remote employee needs. They may send a computer, smartphone, printer, and more, depending on the needs of the job.

When it comes to loaning equipment to remote workers, there are crucial factors to consider, particularly in terms of shipping and security, including confidentiality agreements. Highlights are the following:
  • Choose reliable carriers to ensure safe and timely delivery of equipment to remote workers.
  • Use shipment tracking and insurance options to monitor your shipping progress and protect against any potential damage or loss.
  • Make sure the equipment is securely packed to prevent damage in transit and minimize the risk of theft.
  • Apply data encryption and device security measures to protect sensitive information in the event of loss or theft in transit.
  • Clear instructions for remote workers on the equipment rental process, including delivery, pickup, and return expectations.
For remote workers borrowing company equipment, there is a list of must-know and must-do stuff. It must be access protocols, login credentials, and authentication processes to avoid data breaches. Also may be provided usage restrictions. Each company outlines permissible uses of the company equipment. Clearly state any prohibited activities or applications to ensure responsible use.

One of the main focuses when dealing with remote work is data security.

Utilizing monitoring software like WorkTime can contribute to securing sensitive data on borrowed devices. Explore the functionalities of employee login monitoring software and monitor internet usage for more details. Monitoring employee computers is important for cybersecurity. And it may conclude:
  • Email interception
  • Website visits tracking
  • Location tracking during work hours
  • Capturing video in specific work areas
Also, remote employees must report procedures for any damage or malfunctions promptly.

Best practice for managing borrowed equipment by remote teams

The company's best practice for managing borrowed equipment by remote teams begins with providing clear instructions. This involves specifying rules for borrowing, including eligible devices, and the duration of borrowings.

A 2020 study by antivirus brand Malwarebytes Labs found that more than 50% of employees use a corporate laptop for personal tasks.

Immediate communication is vital to inform remote workers about the tools used to monitor borrowed equipment. Transparent monitoring, exemplified by WorkTime or similar software, ensures employees understand the metrics being tracked. WorkTime prioritizes the sensitivity of monitoring personal information and addressing any concerns. Employees should be well-versed in security rules and protocols for safeguarding confidential information. This encompasses guidelines on password policies, mobile security, network security, internet usage, and other relevant rules. Also, mobile device management becomes easier with WorkTime ID monitoring.

WorkTime is a seasoned player in the employee monitoring market, boasting over two decades of expertise in non-invasive employee monitoring software.

Regular IT security checks are simplified with device tracking and program monitoring. Consideration of insurance coverage, liabilities, and expectations in case of equipment loss or damage is crucial for managing uncertainty. Periodic audits are established as a fair measure to ensure the proper use and condition of loaned equipment. In practice, companies often have distinct protocols for borrowing various types of equipment. Whether it's laptops, phones, computers, or other devices, the borrowing rules may differ.

With WorkTime, you can monitor most of the common devices used in the office, including laptops, smartphones, and PCs.

A common and essential rule across devices is that employees should refrain from using company devices for personal purposes. This precaution aims to prevent vulnerabilities, such as viruses or technical issues, that may arise when employees download information or programs from the internet. Security concerns are also pertinent, as employees using company devices for personal matters could potentially violate confidentiality rules. Monitoring software makes it easy to enforce and control adherence to these policies.

However, dealing with personal phones that employees also use for work purposes requires a nuanced approach. This is where the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy comes into play. It serves as a document instructing employees on how to use cell phones in the workplace.

Samsung found out underscored the noteworthy impact of BYOD programs on the dynamics of the workplace. The findings revealed that 82% of employees acknowledged the role of mobile devices in boosting productivity and expediting decision-making.

The BYOD policy applies to all cellular devices capable of activities like downloading files, making phone calls, and sending emails, and text messages. This includes both personal phones and company-issued cell phones, as well as personal tablets. Every company necessitates a BYOD policy to clearly outline how and where employees can use their cell phones or other mobile devices. Your company can bring your device (BYOD) policy.

Having a well-defined document not only emphasizes the policy's significance but also highlights the consequences of non-compliance.

Companies implement borrowing policies to establish clear guidelines and protocols for sharing equipment. These policies are instrumental in managing resource allocation, ensuring responsible asset management, and fostering a structured approach to equipment availability. A well-defined borrowing policy sets expectations for employees, promoting a more organized and efficient work environment.

Advantages of borrow company devices

  • Borrowing policies facilitate the optimal use of company resources by ensuring equipment is placed where it is most needed.
  • Employees gain the flexibility to access tools necessary for their roles, resulting in increased productivity.
  • Borrowing equipment contributes to operational efficiency. Companies can potentially reduce excess inventory and associated costs by implementing a sharing system.

WorkTime employee monitoring software follows the most stringent data safety standards.

Risks and considerations of borrowing equipment

  • There is a risk that equipment may be damaged or lost during the loan period, impacting the company's assets.
  • Borrowing poses security risks, especially if not adequately monitored, potentially leading to privacy breaches or compromised data security.
  • Navigating these challenges requires careful consideration and effective monitoring to strike the right balance between operational efficiency and safeguarding company assets.

Key elements, practices of borrow company devices protocols

Here are some typical policy structures. It may vary from company to company. But, the core is pretty standard.
  • Defining ownership terms and elucidating the extent of the company's control over the device.
  • Establishing comprehensive guidelines for permitted and restricted activities, encompassing.
  • limitations on downloading non-work-related applications, engaging in personal use, or accessing inappropriate content.
  • Detailing the implemented security protocols to safeguard both the device and the company's data. This may involve specifying password requirements, encryption methodologies, and the capability for remote data wiping.
  • Offering explicit instructions on the appropriate maintenance and care practices for the device. This could include procedures such as regularly updating software and firmware, preventing physical damage, and promptly reporting any issues to the IT department.
  • Articulating the repercussions tied to breaching the device policy, potentially involving disciplinary actions or the withdrawal of device privileges.

Borrow company equipment for remote workers conclusions

Lending devices to remote employees involves unique considerations. Unlike in-office scenarios, remote workers face challenges such as possible delays in equipment delivery, varying Internet connectivity, and the need for devices to perform multiple functions. Recognizing and addressing these factors is critical to a smooth borrowing process. Ensuring remote workers have the equipment they need requires assessing the specific needs of each remote worker, ensuring compatibility with their job responsibilities, and providing setup and troubleshooting support. Clear channels of communication are vital for the prompt resolution of any issues.

With the rise of remote work during the COVID-19 pandemic, Helpnet Security shared some interesting insights. A whopping 63% of respondents pointed to data leakage as their top worry, making it the reigning concern. Following closely behind, at 57%, was the fear of downloading sketchy apps or content.

Managing and monitoring remote workers' borrowing devices involves using technology for effective oversight. Implementing device tracking and application monitoring tools is becoming vital remotely, allowing companies to ensure proper usage, troubleshoot remotely, and maintain security. Regular checks and transparent communication channels help solve problems quickly. In summary, facilitating device borrowing for remote employees requires a customized approach. Understanding the unique challenges faced by remote workers, ensuring adequate equipment and implementing effective monitoring contribute to a successful remote loan program.

At WorkTime, we are ready to answer all your questions regarding monitoring capabilities for devices borrowed by the company. We cover all types of devices, we have individual offers that will be tailored to the needs of your company.

Our main goal is to make the monitoring as ethical as possible, without violating the personal space of the accomplices and keeping their personal information safe. At the same time, we will try to provide the company with a 360-degree observation of efficiency and safety.

Learn more in the Plans & pricing section of the site.

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